Karmic Debts & Karmic Lessons

Disclaimer : This post is an excerpt & personal viewpoint (in some areas) taken from the original post on https://feliciabender.com/karmic-number-134/

You can view more such posts on https://feliciabender.com/?s=karmic+debts+and+karmic+lessons for a broader and clearer understanding of the subject matter.

In numerology, there are 2 types of karmic numbers: Karmic DEBTS & Karmic LESSONS

Needless to say, Karmic debts hold a bit more weight & Karmic lessons are less intense than a karmic debt.

The Karmic numbers are 13, 14, 16, 19, 22 & 31.

So what are Karmic numbers?

Let’s break it down & talk about what Karmic Numbers might bring with them. And then I’ll discuss the specifics to the Karmic Number 13/4

Karmic Debt

The Karmic Debt can also be referred to as a Testing Number, Warning Number or Hidden Number. Basically, the Karmic Debt number indicates that you have a debt to pay in this lifetime for the actions you performed in a former lifetime.

When you see one of these numbers show up as one of the Core Numbers in your chart, it’s a message that you’re working with issues from the past.

I’ve illustrated an example below of how a Karmic number might show up in your chart. For ex.,

DoB: Mar 23, 1985

Break it down this way: 3-23-1985

Then add up the month, day & year together separately like this :

3 = 3

23 = 2+3 = 5

1985 = 1+9+8+5 = 23 (keep adding until you get a single digit number)

2+3 = 5

Now add the single digits together that you got from the month, day & year like this:

3+5+5 =13

13 is a karmic number

Keep adding : 1+3 = 4

Yet, you’d write this number as 13/4 to indicate that it’s a Karmic number

When you see this number, it’s telling you that you’ll experience significant challenges or difficulties with several “aspects” in your life.

It will depend on where it lands in your Natal chart & as to what the overall effect might be. So while this can be seen as a harsh “uh-oh!”, it’s actually really nice to know that the struggles you’re most likely experiencing over & over again can be given a name & a reason for being there. Somewhat like having credit card debt. You have to decide upon forgoing that vacation, eating out or buying that expensive car that you’d always dreamed of because you have to, instead, use that money to incrementally pay off your credit card. If you don’t pay it off, the debt keeps accumulating, the interest rate goes up & the debt consumes your life. The bank executives start calling. The Repo man shows up. You get the general picture, don’t you 😛

So when you see a Karmic number, it simply indicates that you have a debt to pay. Luckily, if Numerology resonates with you, knowing the nature of the debt you’re paying is a bonus & a positive thing.

When you can name it, you can in some ways embrace it & do something about it

Karmic Number 13/4

The number 13 in the 13/4 represents creative energy & joyfulness that can turn into superficiality, slacking & using words to hurt others during a previous manifestation. If you have a 13/4 as one of your Core Numbers (meaning your Life Path, Expression / Destiny, Soul Urge, Birthday or Personality numbers) understand this :

You are now paying back for past abuses when carrying your share of the workload was seriously abused. We often think of 13 as an “unlucky” number. Yet in Numerology, the 13 really indicates that you are putting the pedal-to-the-metal & digging in with some hard work will be a requirement. The 13/4 is asking you to monitor & master the art of positive expression and you can understand that as thinking before you speak, not being critical or judgemental & using your words to support & uplift others rather than tear them down. You’re also required to develop a strong sense of discipline & use your sense of discipline in all practical matters throughout your life.

Understand that the person who has 13/4 as one of their Core Numbers will most likely act upon the more destructive tendencies of the Master Number 4 until the lessons have been understood, acknowledged, acted upon & mastered. They must let go of past negative experiences that weigh them down. They will project their frustrations & negative thoughts upon others & have a nasty tendency of forming rivalries with members of their same vibration i.e., 4, 22 & 31 (people who were born on these dates of any given month). Core negative or challenging traits that must be grappled with are:

  1. Blaming everyone (or everything – government, your family, your employer, etc.,) for the limitations you experience.
  2. Being a bossy know-it-all
  3. Being a control freak
  4. Being very rigid in your thinking (& often this translates to physical interpersonal relationship inflexibility as well)
  5. Being obstinate
  6. Complaining & nagging
  7. Occasionally lazy
  8. Delegating responsibilities to others
  9. Feeling done-in by limitations

If you’re willing to meet your challenges, you can shift your perspective & look at your obstacles as detours – if you can see that your goal is actually to embody the most optimal & positive potential of the Master Number 4 – then you’re cookin’ & are on the right track.

Also, understand that if this just doesn’t sound anything like you (or who you think you are) then potentially you’re at a stage of development & maturity in your life & have been working diligently on your own personal growth & evolution – that you’re more in alignment with the constructive elements of the Number 4. If that describes you, then HATS OFF! You’ve been doing your work. It never hurts to give y’self a little reminder, though, now & again. And a little pat on the back for a job well done.

The gift you’re given by knowing that you have a Karmic Debt to pay is this: Rather than feeling victimized, you can see that this is something that you brought upon y’self, despite the fact that you can’t remember it. If you exert the energy & commitment to working in the positive realm of the number 4, then you’ll reap the benefits. The Karmic Debt can make you feel like you’re the Phoenix; you must go through an intense reconstruction or regeneration process in order to come to terms & clear your Karmic slate.

The bottom line : Working with a Karmic Number intensifies the issues that relate to that number. It’s not easy. It requires concerted effort & focused commitment on the individual’s part. It’s testing you & requires that you rewire the way you work with process, stability, knowledge, security & hard work. The destructive path will feel much more “comfortable” since you’ve been there – done that. This time, you’re being asked to extract y’self from riding in that same rut in the road – you’re required to create a new way of working with these themes that have positive results for you & everyone around you.

All 3 birth date numbers i.e., 13, 22 & 31 must come to terms & realize that it is futile conflicting & passive-aggressively fighting with the Master Number 4. The 4 birth date’s mental prowess & every other ability far exceeds the other 3 numbers. It is futile shit-testing them. They have a far greater sense of the ‘how’ & ‘if’ of matters than you can possibly comprehend.

The 4 is a Master Number along with numbers 1 to 9. These nine numbers form the very core of all existence, each representing a different aspect. All other double-digit birthdates are mere derivatives from these Master Numbers. They are the very core of humanity. Identifying with their vibrations & following in their path(s) will lessen the consequences of your own naive & egotistical decisions.

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5 thoughts on “Karmic Debts & Karmic Lessons

  1. As salty as my earlier comment is, it’s not meant to insult you personally.
    It’s frustration at a really insidious system that may well exist, and it doesn’t solve any problems or help people.
    It perpetuates generations and generations of messed up people.
    I’ve had my life destroyed so far and I can, after much soul-searching and self reflection, say that there is little justification and sense in this destruction. The results of all this mean, it’s caused hurt and problems for those around me, without any debt because I can’t support them, and also I’ve led a good life, and so all this has just been self-indulgent destruction, which has hurt more people than actually solved any problems.
    And this collective turmoil will then carry over to the next life….. I guess, so… to what end?
    Please please educate yourself on the effects and sinister mechanisms of karmic debt before promoting it as some reassuring system.
    It isn’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I get where this is coming from Fran, quite understandable 🙂
      These are pseudo-scientific concepts anyways, with no statistical sample size(s) whatsoever, that can ascertain their validity.
      So it’s advisable to take in all of this with a pinch of salt 🙂
      Nevertheless, I wish you the best & take care 🙂


  2. Interesting read. Sounds all very neat and logical. On paper at least, or rather online. So, a lot to unpack here.
    Firstly, how can a system be just if people are punished in the lifetime after they first “sinned”? Bearing in mind that “occasional laziness” (seriously? !) is… like… a thing all living creatures do every so often. All creatures. I had no idea that taking a break or sipping some tea or needing a nap on a random evening would cause things like losing my job or house and relationships etc etc. So.. Yeah.
    Karmic debt may well be real but it also makes no sense in practice and is some pretty confused, scattered, impractical and illogical sh*t. Sounds like a bunch of lessons rigged for failure. I tell you what – I’ll pay you £500 a day to tell me exactly how many exact minutes of sleep and play I should get, and exactly how to deal with and balance every work interaction I have with everyone to ensure I am achieving the 13/4 optimum value of work and play, where I’m never negative or upset or afraid so I can be a perfect being, and pay off my debt. Simple, no?
    Seriously, the cash is there. But we both know that humans aren’t machines and are inconsistent in behaviour over periods of time, so I can try all I might to be a hard worker with no faults but that ain’t gonna happen. But still I’d like to see you try, as those that talk about karmic debt as some wonderful tool and force, clearly have no idea of how —-
    A: utterly f*cked up the concept is and
    B: how impossible it is to follow such a vague and wishy-washy list of rules across a whole friggin’ lifetime.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Short one!! Appreciate the research behind this! Keep it coming!

    Liked by 1 person

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